Did you just inherit a mobile home? Here’s what to do! September 29, 2021 By jeffdippel Jeff :Hey guys, this is Jeff with Mobile Home Dreamin’ out here in Riverside, California in a senior mobile home park. One of the things we deal with a lot is inherited mobile homes. People who inherit mobile homes, right? So just like this one, you see next to me right here, or the ones behind me. Sometimes whether somebody moves into a nursing home, or unfortunately passes away, or maybe just wants to move to be closer to family. The easiest thing you can do is just sell the mobile home for cash. And let me tell you why. So this home here right behind me, the one I’m currently at, unfortunately the owner had passed away and the daughter inherited the mobile home out of state. Okay. So she’s in an another state. She has to come out to California and try to figure out how to sell it.We were able to make her a cash offer, take care of all the paperwork and basically just let her walk away without having to do anything. We deal with things like this all the time. We can handle all the paperwork. All the escrow costs. This would be a double wide, two bed, two bath mobile home. So if you find yourself in a situation like that, I highly recommend reaching out to a professional buyer like us at Mobile Home Dreamin’. And a couple of these we’ve even done over the phone. So people were, they didn’t even have to leave the state. We literally just went and talked to the park management. They were able to sell us the home via Zoom. We handled all the paperwork, send them a check in the mail. And that was that. So if this sounds like a situation you’re in or a type of house that you have inherited, feel free to let us know and give us a call. You can visit us at www.mobilehomedreamin.com. All right. Have a great day. Bye. Share Tweet Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sum of 5 + 6 * Δ